问:我看到卡内基梅隆大学的官网上有Early Admission的选项,这个是什么样的申请政策?跟Early Action有区别吗?
Early Admissin和Early Action,虽然缩写都是EA,但这是两种完全不同的申请政策。卡内基梅隆大学是少数几个提供Early Admission的学校,我们来看看官网上的具体描述:Early Admission is for highly qualified juniors in high school who apply to Carnegie Mellon a year early. It’s ideal for mature, responsible juniors who’ve exhausted the courses offered at their high schools and taken all required standardized testing. Notified by: No later than April 15 A high school diploma isn’t required at time of application, though we encourage you to make arrangements to receive either a diploma from your high school by the end of your freshman year at Carnegie Mellon, or a General Education Diploma (GED). Without a high school diploma or GED, students cannot receive federal financial aid. Applicants under the age of 17 must contact the Dean of Student Affairs Office to discuss housing, services and resources available. You must be at least 16 years old in order to reside in university housing.
从官网的描述来看,Early Admission是提供给刚上高二就申请大学的申请者的。一般美国大学规定,要进入大学就读,必须先取得高中的毕业证。但是卡内基梅隆给了那些天才少年一个机会,让他们能够提前进入大学学习。虽然放宽了对高中毕业证的要求,其他要求是一项也没有少,需要完成所有的标准化考试,并且获得足够的高中课程学分。
所以Early Admission和Early Action的主要区别是,前者是给在进入大学的时候还没有高中毕业的,年纪较小的学生,后者是给按照正常程序申请,在进入大学之前就能够拿到高中毕业证的学生。Early Admission的截止日期是一月一号,Early Action的截止日期一般来说会比一月一号要早两个月。前者出结果的时间是四月中旬,后者出结果的时间从十二月份到一月底不等。
对于应届的学生来说,申请卡内基梅隆只可以选择Early Decision和Regular Decision,不能选择Early Admission,请大家务必不要混淆。